Gym Management System
Submitted by Mantini on Tuesday, February 24, 2015 - 10:10.
This is my Gym Management System project. Although new in programming i tried to do all the basics to make the project fully functional.
Basic system rules;
1. A person can only register as a user if he/she exists in the Staff table.
2. Salaries can only be calculated for existing employees.
3. Equipment can only be added if supplied by an existing supplier (Add supplier before adding Gym Equipment from that supplier)
Although not fully functional, i hope my system helps someone out there.
Username: Luk001
Password: lucas
User Type: Administrator
Username: Mantini
Password: Ntiniesta
User Type:System User
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plzz send me the code of this
plzz send me the code of this project my gamil is [email protected]
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