Voice Recognition Program
Voice Command and Recognition Program
Voice Command and Recognition Program is an application of intelligent system that applies voice command to execute certain task upon recognition of the command given. This program use the built in function of speech libraries found in C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.5\System.Speech.dll. This is simple yet powerful tools to apply intelligent program in vb.net or in C#. Features: • enable voice recognition • disable voice recognition • execute command upon voice recognition • user can send command using voice • can record all commands in richtextbox • sample commands use in this program - "jb say hello" - "jb print my name" - "jb read selected text" - "jb" - "jb greet ics" - "jb run youtube" - "jb run notepad" - "jb turn off" When the above voice command will recognized the program, it will automatically execute the task. Additionally, this program could enhance were commands would be store in a database for better application. For more information just contact me @ my email: [email protected] If interested in thesis development just message me. Thank you
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