how to set paper size by write code in vb 6.0
Submitted by jayeshpatel on Tuesday, July 7, 2009 - 13:22.
Hi Vb Master
I made a project for sales, I made sale bill problem is how can
i set the paper size by code in vb 6.0 i use ado and database sql
how can i calculat the measurment for paper in vb 6.0
what is pixels and how can write code through it
also what is chr (...)+ chr (....) + chr (..)
can you tell me every possible knowledge for reset paper size and
how can i adjust the line in paper to print like :-
Customer Name :- Jayesh Patel but print like this
Customer name :-
-----------------Jayesh Patel,
how can i set in one line
here is my code :-
Private Sub cmdPrint_Click()
Call SbillPrint(reqText1.Text)
End Sub
Public Sub SbillPrint(printtofile As Boolean)
Dim VappPath As String
VappPath = Fs.GetFolder(App.Path).ShortPath
'bill page size :-
'Height :- 10.02 CM starting Edge to perforater
'Width :- 25.0 CM
Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection
qry = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source = " & App.Path & "\jay medicin.mdb"
cn.Open qry
Dim Rs1 As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim Items As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim MaxItems As Integer
MaxItems = 11
Items = 1
Rs1.Open "select * from sale_particulars ", cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
Set t = Fs.OpenTextFile(VappPath & "\SBill.Txt", ForWriting, True)
If Not (Rs1.EOF And Rs1.BOF) Then
t.Write Chr(27) + Chr(67) + Chr(12.03) + Chr(27) + Chr(77) ' items = 6 hoy tyare print mate ni size
t.WriteLine Space(31) & (Rs1!bill_no)
t.WriteLine LPad(Rs1!pat_name, 31) & Space(25) & Rs1!bill_date
t.WriteLine Space(20) & Rs1!dr_name
t.WriteBlankLines 1
If Rs1!bill_no = reqText1.Text Then
Do While Rs1!bill_no = reqText1.Text
t.WriteLine Space(2) & RPad(CStr(Rs1!item_Name), 35) & _
RPad(CStr(Rs1!batch), 15) & _
RPad(CStr(Rs1!Expiry), 10) & _
RPad(CStr(Rs1!p_rate), 10) & _
RPad((Rs1!S_Rate), 7) & ""
If Items MaxItems Then
For i = 0 To MaxItems - 1
Next i
End If
Items = Items + 1
If Rs1.EOF = False And Items > MaxItems Then
t.WriteLine Space(8) & RPad("", 24) & Space(11) & RPad("", 10) & Space(14) & LPad("Cont...", 15)
t.Write Chr(12)
Items = 1
If Rs1!bill_no > reqText1.Text Then
Exit Do
End If
GoTo Start
End If
If Rs1!bill_no > reqText1.Text Then
Exit Do
End If
End If
t.Write Chr(12)
End If
If printtofile = True Then
Shell VappPath & "\Edit.Com " & VappPath & "\sBill.Txt", vbMaximizedFocus
Shell VappPath & "\p1.bat " & Fs.GetFile(VappPath & "\sBill.Txt").ShortPath, vbHide
End If
Set t = Nothing
Set Fs = Nothing
End Sub
Please answer as possible as soon
Thanking You
Jayesh Patel
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