re: code for textbox
I guess you are using ADO to connect to your database.
If this is the case, just replace the arterisk (*) with percent (%) symbol.
hi there
i am new for vb 6
i want know code that when i type " A " in textbox Then listbox show all record from database startin with " A " letter
i write code it is wrong or not i don't know
here is my code
Private Sub Text1_Change() If Len(Text1.Text) > 0 Then List1.Visible = True recordadd "companymaster", "companyname", Text1.Text, List1 Else List1.Visible = False End If Public Sub recordadd(tabl As String, rsfield As String, s As String, l As ListBox) Dim str As String Dim strsql As String str = s & "*" strsql = "select * from " & tabl & " where " & rsfield & " like '" & str & "' " If Len(str) > 0 Then rs.Open strsql, cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockReadOnly l.Clear Do While Not rs.EOF '( here Rs.Eof is true even data is upto 2008 no ) l.AddItem rs.Fields(1).Value rs.MoveNext Loop rs.Close Else l.Clear End If End Sub
please let me know as early possible as
thanking you
Jayesh Patel
I guess you are using ADO to connect to your database.
If this is the case, just replace the arterisk (*) with percent (%) symbol.
how are you great vb master
i told u that i am new in vb
i learn vb 6 by myself with anybody's help
here i made a form like salebill for Pharmacy
this form have
bill no:- , Patient Name:- , Doctor Name :-, Date:- , these are textbox and labels
i also use MshFlexgrid for many items which purchse patient
may be u understand what type of sale bill is this
now i save this data to database and this record is show on display on form
i want this current record to print
how can i ?
i use ADO connection to Access Database and also SQL 7 as Database
Please let me know code for print
i didn't write any code for it ,,, i don't know how to write
thanking you great vb master
jayesh patel