Advantages of Linux Server Hosting and Windows Server Hosting
When you have to decide what kind of web hosting to choose, usually one of the first steps is to decide if you will go for Linux server hosting or for Windows server hosting. There isn't a universal prescription if Linux server hosting or Windows server hosting is the best web host, no matter if it is for a dedicated server or for a shared hosting because both Linux server hosting and Windows server hosting have their advantages and disadvantages.
Traditionally, Linux was the most popular web hosting platform and still for many web masters the best dedicated server is a Linux server. However, in recent years Windows server hosting also became popular and even some of the best web hosts offer only Windows hosting.
As far as the technical parameters of both Linux server hosting and Windows server hosting are concerned, there isn't a clear winner. Both of them are robust and reliable (if administered properly). On the other hand, neither Linux server hosting, nor Windows server hosting can be considered 100% bullet-proof, so no matter which one you choose for your dedicated server, you can never be sure that it won't crash or that it won't be hacked.
What to take into consideration
When you are looking for a best web host and for the best dedicated server, two of the considerations you need to have in mind are your experience in administering the particular operating system and the demands of your applications. If you don't have experience with Windows hosting because you have always used Linux (or vice versa), the transition from hosting on Windows to hosting on Linux might not be a smooth one and even if you pick the best web host and rent the best dedicated server, your life won't be easy.
The second limitation you need to have in mind is the applications you will deploy. If your applications require Windows, then you have no choice but to pick Windows hosting. It is true that many applications can be deployed on both Linux servers and Windows servers but as a rule, an application runs best on its native platform.
Finally, even if you are not on a tight budget, costs (especially for dedicated servers) are not to be underestimated. Generally Linux hosting is a bit cheaper than Windows hosting because Linux is free, while Windows isn't. However, there are many other factors that influence the price of web hosting, so it is not uncommon to find offers from best hosts where Windows hosting is cheaper than Linux hosting. In any case, when you are looking for a dedicated server and your primary concern is to find the best dedicated server, a few dollars more or less a month is not a difference.
Both Linux server hosting and Windows server hosting have their advantages and disadvantages. You can't say that Linux hosting is better than Windows hosting or vice versa because simply they are different and they address different demands. Most of the best web hosts have offers for dedicated servers for both operating systems and it is up to you to decide which one is the better option for you in the particular situation and go for it.
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