Code Literacy in Programming Doesn’t Necessarily Require Other Skills
Submitted by anthea on Tuesday, December 17, 2013 - 12:19.

When it comes to computer programming, learning through its codes doesn't required high standard of skills in order to know the deep languages of different codes.
Codes use in programming were just like learning the academic subjects such as English, Math, Science and other necessary subjects that will enable a person learn in varieties of field.
Other considered that codes in programming is very difficult to study, while there are also some get entertained and sees the importance of it.
Recently, President Obama called the attention of American citizens as he delivered a YouTube address called as "President Obama calls on every american to learn code."
President Obama implemented it as part of "Computer Science Education Week," to encourage the young ones to have interest in programming specifically in studying the codes as he said, "Learning these skills isn't just important for your future, it’s important for our country’s future," and added "If we want America to stay on the cutting edge, we need young Americans like you to master the tools and technology that will change the way we do just about everything."
At this point United States of America were alarmed with the crisis happening to their country, which he do emphasized to the students that mastering the tools of coding along with technology will surely help augment their society.
In regard with programming, other people may feel dumb because of the thought that they can't do it, which considered as the greatest problem of today's generation, but there are also some that they find interest about this matter especially for those who likes Mathematics and Science which played a vital role in programming when it comes to codes.
There is also an alternative way which one can surely enjoy while learning programming which goes along with music, a class that used SuperCollider or PureData.
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