The Need Of Computer Sight To Make Smart Homes Really Smart
Submitted by Saad Arif on Sunday, November 3, 2013 - 20:56.
Today, a lot of homes are using computer enabled security systems. Not only you can use computer technology programmed in an appropriate way to monitor your home and its security but you can do many other things do. With help of a computer monitoring system and a remote control, you can turn on/ off all the electrical appliances in your home. However, there is something that is still missing.
The idea has been presented by many people and it seems that, soon we will have computer sight to make our smart homes really smart. How exactly the computer sight technology will work? Well, let say that you are standing in your kitchen and you say, “Let’s order pizza”. The computer monitoring system installed in your home will take it as a command and show you a list of pizza places near you on your kitchen shelve. Isn’t this something that will make your life a lot easier?
Computer monitoring systems have become really advanced during last few years but it is quite obvious that computer sight technology is the real future of this process. One thing that must be mentioned here is that, computer vision is nothing like human vision. We have got our specially designed human eyes that interact with brain and process all the data very fast. In order to make computer sight word near to the human sight, extensive technology and back end programming will be required.
Many firms are already working on this idea and it is expected that very soon, we will have that computer sight technology in our homes. The main issue will be projection and putting all the data together. However, the most important of all is back end programming. The programming of computer sight system will have to be really smart so it can easily understand what a person is looking for and gather the right kind of data.
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