Difference Between Human Smart And Computer Smart From Programmers Point Of View
Submitted by Saad Arif on Thursday, October 31, 2013 - 03:25.
We all know that computers are really smart machines that do a lot of complex work without even complaining for single second. At the same time, we also know that these are built and run by smart human beings. However what is the difference between human smart and computer smart? Let’s take a look at it from programmer’s point of view.
In many cases, humans make simple mistakes like considering 798 as an odd number even when they know the difference between even and odd numbers. There are a lot of mistakes that humans make and studies have been conducted on determining how often a human mind can make a mistake to distinguish between different types of numbers, shapes and figures. According to studies, the occurring of mistakes made by humans are far more common than one can imagine.
The author of the study, Gary Lupyan who is assistant professor of Psychology at University of Wisconsin, USA says that the main reason why humans consider 798 as an odd number is because they can’t help but process all the numbers along with the last digit. On the other hand, if you have written a computer program to identify even and odd numbers, it doesn’t matter how complex or long a number is, the computer will never make a mistake. That is because, a computer is programmed to carry out string of actions and follow certain rules which result in the right answer all the time. Human brain can also perform functions just like computer’s processor but it gets tired whereas a computer doesn’t know anything about getting tired at all.
The same question was asked from different programmers and they confirmed that once a computer program is written, it will never make any mistake. You can enter any kind of number, long, complex, broken or even in decimals, the computer will always recognize what kind of number it is.
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