Georgia Tech College’s Online CS Masters Course Open

Back in May, the Georgia Tech College of Computing announced plans to offer an online Master of Science course in Computer Science, sponsored by Udacity and AT&T, at a cost lower than $7 thousand --less than one third of what regular on-campus Master courses usually cost. Admissions are now open and the course is set to cost a little over $6,600. According to the GTCC, this is the first time an accredited Master of Science in Computer Science degree course is offered, that students can earn through the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) delivery format, a platform set up by Udacity. In fact, Udacity’s team-up with the GTCC includes a 60-40 percent revenue split between the College and Udacity respectively. AT&T’s input is also vital: the massive telecommunications company is sponsoring the program with a $2 million donation, which was “absolutely critical for getting the on-line MSc course off the ground,” as director of communications at the GTCC, Michael Terrazas admits. Referring to the course’s target group, GTCC dean Zvi Galil explained the college is “primarily concentrating efforts on potential US students –working proffessionals, stay-at-home parents looking to re-enter the workforce, as well as traditional graduate students-- but it’s also possible we’ll get significant interest from international students.” In fact, as the program's FAQ page clarifies, international students are welcome to apply, though all courses will be taught in English, and international students will be required to submit and adequate TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) score as part of their application. Typical time to complete the course will be three years, however enrollments for up to six years will be accepted for students requiring more flexible terms. Preferred qualifications are an undergraduate degree in computer science or related field (such as mathematics, computer engineering or electrical engineering) from an accredited institution with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. Applicants who do not meet these criteria will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

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