Simple Game in Android
-Volume control page
In this game the player collects the coins by jumping and makes score.
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Virus note: All files are scanned once-a-day by for viruses, but new viruses come out every day, so no prevention program can catch 100% of them.
1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
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create new avd
game errors
hii i try to use your above mentioned game but in this the player doenot die not ven collect the power ups
Pls Fix these issues
Wan't to add the score in a highscore database
high score & music
There is another way to play the game music i still searching fot that method :)
the game can not start on my pc
Use your own android phone in debugging mode
or close all the runing program use only eclipse
[2014-06-22 06:53:32 - Thegot2run] Unable to resolve target '
How to increase the jump?
Add Multiple Coins
High Score
Unable to run
background image not appearing while run the app
while run the app, the background image shows for few seconds then black color screen only repeating.even the knife hits health not decreasing.i need solution for this problem,please help me...send your reply to ([email protected]).waiting for your reply.
screen size problem
activity_game layout is not displaying
hi friend,thank u for your game..its amazing..i've problem that i couldn't see the activity_game.xml just shows empty layout just having Game textview.i want to know how u design the game layout..can you tell me how to find it or just send me to my email:[email protected]
Where is the code?
timing set up for game
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