Sending SMS using AT Commands via GSM Modem/GSM Phone (receiving SMS-updated)

Submitted by emond on
THE FULL SEND AND RECEIVED SMS SERVER with complete Source Codes for developers are available to purchase. .NET version is also available Feel free to contact me at the addresses and links below: Demo: This a sample how to send SMS using AT Commands like in Hyper Terminal via GSM Modem or

Sending Data via parallel port using INPOUT32.dll

Submitted by emond on
Sample how to send data to LPT or printer port using INPOUT32.dll from Lakeview Research.. .NET version be sure you write the correct data coz this may cause to crash ur pc... Hope u like it.. Questions and Request , Design Project ? Mobile +639399393702 +639155338048 Blog Site http://www

Simple remote MySQL database in VB Application

Submitted by emond on
a simple database app that can be used to manipulate your website's MYSQL database, applicable in administrating your web databse from your Windows based PC .Connection is via MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver. CAn perform CRUD and it shows how to connect and query records in a remote server (for this sample i used using ADOdb control and datagrid to show data from remote server.. I'll Post

How to Retrieve and Save Data using TextBox Control

Submitted by admin on

This tutorial is part of Database Programming Made Easy Series.

In this tutorial you will learn in different ways on how to retrieve and save data using textbox control.

First we retrieve the data using Data Readers and save it back using ExecuteNonQuery.

Second we will use Dataset and Data Adapter. The same output but with different approach.

Previous: Windows Forms

Text to Speech (one line of Code)

Submitted by emond on
This is a demonstration of Text to speech using microsoft Speech Object Library with one line one code... I used this TTS features in my Home Automation with voice control, CAI progrms(computer Aided instructions), Expert Systems and Voice Tutorials Systems.. Hope you like it!!! Questions,? Tutorials,Project Request, Custom Sofware/Design Projects contact me.. Mobile +639399393702 +639155338048

Client-Server App with Flash and PDF Reporting

Submitted by emond on
This is CLSU Entrance Examination , a client-server application that I developed last 2006 for a client in AMA and won the thesis of the year. This App compose of two program ,one is the SERVER and the other one is the CLIENT . Both program uses a winsock control in order to connect via IP ,Maximum of 8 client pc connected to a server pc.. Uses a Flash Active x control and a Usercontrol (LVButtons

Computer Programming – The Future of the World

Submitted by admin on
There’s a lot of speculation on what will be the future of the world in the year ahead. Whatever it is, the programmer will play important role in this stage. We are now very dependent on technology and we cannot deny the fact that the world is advancing so rapidly because of this. I found a good video from YouTube predicting the world in the Year 2057. Whether you believe it or not, the reality

Send Mail

Submitted by admin on
The following code will allow you to send mail using PHP in your website. Simple download the code and modify it to suit your needs. You can use this as a feedback form, contact form, etc. I used Macromedia Dreamweaver in editing the code. I recommend this editor especially for beginners. There’s a lot of free HTML editor but Dreamweaver has a lot of features which the free version doesn’t have

How to Improve your Programming Skills?

Submitted by admin on
In this article you will learn a simple technique on how to improve your programming skills. I know this will work because this is a proven experience of my own. The following steps will greatly improve your programming skills. 1. Read a book – I cannot stress how important reading to improve your programming skills. But for me it work very well. More on “ A Very Important Tool a Computer