User Registration and Form Validation Using CodeIgniter

Submitted by admin on
By using CodeIgniter framework, you’ll learn how easy it is to create a registration form with validation using the form_validation library that is built-in with CodeIgniter. This example demonstrates how to validate every control in your form. One example is the validation of email address. All you have to do is simply specify this argument: valid_email. CodeIgniter will simply look for that

DaceraSoft SMS Plugin v1.0

Submitted by DaceraSoft on
This is a Freeware DLL Version of DaceraSoft SMS Plugin Pure AT Commands/No OCX Required. Powered by: DaceraSoft Solutions (Felizardo M. Dacera Jr.) Technology for Fast and Effcient SMS Support Full sourcecode is available to purchase +639182397176 / [email protected] This DLL Version is capable of Reading Sim Messages and Sending Single SMS only. Additional feature added : SMS Auto

JKEV: Coding Contest Winner Sponsored by NuSphere

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
We, at would like to congratulate and announce the winner of the recently held PHP Coding Contest sponsored by NuSphere. The source code and program submitted by JKEV or John Kevin Lorayna was chosen as the winner based upon our contest criteria. JKEV's Voting System on PHP, was adjudged as the winner of the contest. JKEV will bring home the much coveted price, the NuSphere

Vworker Acquired by Freelancer

Submitted by admin on
Freelancer has again acquired another outsourcing company, and this time it was vworker (formerly Vworker started last 2001 and become 4th biggest marketplace for freelance coders. Just in 2010, rentacoder changed its name to vworker to prepare for additional categories like graphic design and writing jobs. Freelancer has also bought Scriptlance last July 2012, a fifth in rank in

Same Game in Javascript

Submitted by Oelasor on
This is similar to the Same Game app I posted using VB 6.0. This game application features ways of manipulating DOM dynamically to suit the needs of the application. To play the game, unzip the compressed file and open the same.html file. The game app is not supported in IE browsers and I have not tried it in Chrome yet. I exclusively used Firefox in testing the game app and Notepad++ for the

Currency Exchange System Using PHP/MySQL

Submitted by argie on
Hi everyone, this code is created in order to help other in creating there own currency exchange system using php. The feature of this code is, it has two user the counter and the admin, it has user restriction. The admin has a capacity to change currency rate, register user view, edit delete bank account. The admin also has a capacity to give permission to the counter to change the rate of