Integer Base (radix) Inter-converter in PHP with Source Code

Submitted by Jay-Tanner on
Integer Base (radix) Interconverter This PHP Internet program converts any integer (±X) From any One Base (radix) System Into Another. The base can be any value from 2 to 36. For example, the base 23 integer 3AJCM53KDBC22F07GLIJB3EF10L74ECFM26KEJ4LFLLG78C equates to the base 10 integer 1513668569755468804508866185074877811548774513443261275725578557 or the base 16 integer

Variance and Standard Deviation Calculator in PHP with Source Code

Submitted by Jay-Tanner on
Variance and Standard Deviation Calculator Given a numerical data table, this program computes both the population and sample variance and the standard deviation within the given data table. Here is a copy of the working program on my site.!abc/math-science-tools/variance-and-standard-deviation-calculator/ I have provided the source code on this site. You can download it

PHP Ellipse Circumference Function - Numerical Solution to the Complete Elliptic Integral of the second kind

Submitted by Jay-Tanner on
PHP Ellipse Circumference Function This PHP function computes the circumference or perimeter of an ellipse, spheroid, circle, or sphere by evaluating the complete elliptic integral of the second kind using an infinite power series summation based on Legendre polynomials. Computing the circumference of a circle is easy, but when it takes the form of an ellipse, there is no simple formula and the

Website's Contact Form Page with Mailing Feature using PHP and SQLite Free Source Code

Submitted by oretnom23 on
This is a Simple Website's Contact Form Page developed in PHP and SQLite Database. The is a web-based application software commonly found as one of the features of a company's or business's websites. This application is a contact form page that provides an online submission of clients' inquiries to the company. The inquiries are stored in the database which will be listed on the management/admin

Simple Whack a Mole Game using JavaScript with Free Source Code

Submitted by razormist on
Simple Whack a Mole Game using JavaScript with Free Source Code Simple Whack a Mole Game with Source Code is a project that is a single-player game where your goal to hit the mole that appear in the hole. The game has a simple design that contains a multiple image sprites. The purpose of the game is to give some enjoyable moment with your friends. About the System The Simple Whack a Mole Game was

Simple Cold Storage Management System using PHP/OOP with Source Code

Submitted by oretnom23 on
Introduction This is a simple project is entitled Cold Storage Management System and was developed using PHP and MySQL Database. It is a web-based application that serves as the Cold Storage Business Website which provides their clients or possible client an easy-to-access platform to know about their company. This project also gives the clients an online booking platform to reserve or book cold

Adventure Bird using JavaScript with Free Source Code

Submitted by razormist on
Adventure Bird using JavaScript with Free Source Code Adventure Bird with Source Code is a project that is a single-player game where your goal to safely fly your bird until the end. The game has a simple design that contains a multiple sprites. The purpose of the game is to provide some entertainment environment with your family. About the System The Adventure Bird was built in a HTML web browser

Bakery Management System using C++ with Free Source Code

Submitted by razormist on
Bakery Management System using C++ with Free Source Code The Bakery Management System with Source Code is a project that can generate a total purchase for your bakery business and manage the listing of all the bread products. The system can list the total sales for today. The purpose of the system is to help organize the listing of your bread products. About the System The Bakery Management System

Child's Day Care Management System in PHP/OOP with Free Source Code

Submitted by oretnom23 on
Introduction This project is entitled Child's Day Care Management System and was developed using PHP and MySQL Database. This is a web-based application that provides a website about a certain Child Day Care and gives an online platform for the parents to enroll their child. The application displays the relevant information about the Day Care which can be dynamically managed at the Admin Panel

Complete Number System Conversion Application using C with Free Source Code

Submitted by razormist on
Complete Number System Conversion Application using C with Free Source Code The Complete Number System Conversion Application with Source Code is a project that can convert any number currency system. The system can help you easily convert a number by entering any numeric digit. The purpose of the system is to help you easily convert a number system. About the Application The Complete Number