Chatting Application For LAN

Submitted by maverickosama on
this is a chatting application which let you chat on LAN, two files are available in this application, first is ChatServer run it first and press "Run" button to activate the Server and then run ChatClient and put your nickname at the top and press confirm button then press "Connect To Main Server" button, Now you are able to chat with each other.. Hope it will be helpful for you guys

PHP String Variables

Submitted by admin on

A string variable is used to manipulate any character stored in a variable you declared.

This chapter will discuss common function you can use to manipulate string variables.

Some common functions are:

  • The Concatenation Operator
  • The strlen() function
  • The strpos() function

The concatenation operator is very useful to combine two string values.


LulzSec Hacked Three Websites So Far:, Sony Pictures and

Submitted by admin on
Just this May 2011, LulzSec hacked followed by Sony Pictures. LulzSec or known as Lulz Security, a computer hacker group, hacked another website this month and stole 180 passwords from is a program run by FBI to gain support through Information Technology. The aim of this program is to exchange information to FBI to crack down cyber terrorist. Infragard exist