Simple Bingo Program

Submitted by muthym on
This is a bingo program written in Rapid-Q programming language(VB6-like program) that draws numbers randomly. Along with the code(ebingo.bas), I included the RQ compiler & IDE (Observe the size and you will be amazed :) This is my free and portable/lightweight alternative to VB6). * Unzip the file. * Open ebingo.bas using RQDevStudio. * Compile and Run. Output may vary based on your screen

Top 10 Controversial Programming Opinions from Stackoverflow

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
Stack Overflow, one of the best programming Q & A website have listed some of the world's most controversial programming opinions they ever received since the first day when the question was posted on the site last 2009. Although the questions was only available among select users but it garnered some of the most awesome and sometimes awkward answer. The answers of the questions about the

XY Grapher

Submitted by SoulPour777 on
/* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ /** * * @author SoulPour */ import java.lang.Math; import java.util.Random; import javax.swing.*; public class XY_Grapher extends javax.swing.JFrame { /** * Creates new form XY_Grapher */ public XY_Grapher() { initComponents(); } /** * This method is called from within the constructor to initialize the

Breaking Down Amazon's Mega Dropdown Secret Revealed

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
Ben Kamens, the lead developer of Khan Acadamy and has been part of Fog Creek revealed one of Amazon's best kept-secret, the mega dropdown. According to Ben, the hover effects in Amazon's "Shop by Department" mega dropdown are super fast. The submenu files launch quickly as your mouse moves down the list. Most dropdown menus have to include a bit of delay when activating submenus. He compared the

Google Reader Will Retire on July 1, 2013

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
One of the most popular Google product, the Google Reader will meet it's inevitable end this coming July 1, 2013 as Google announced that the RSS service will be no longer available after the above mentioned date. Google Reader is a web-based program that let people subscribe to news feeds from their favorite sites. It has a huge following not only for bloggers but also, for some of the world's

Online Class Record And Grade Inquiry System Using PHP/MySQL

Submitted by graxa on
The title of this system is online class record and grade inquiry system, programmed using PHP/MySQL and AJAX. I uploaded this code, to help my fellow programmer who found difficulties in creating their own online class record and grade inquiry system. The feature of this system are the following: - secure log in system using PHP - submit multiple grade in one process - calculate grades