
Submitted by GeePee on
Introduction: Welcome, this page will teach you about Arrays within Java. What is an Array? An array is a variable which holds more than one value, in effect, it's a list of values attached to a variable name. When are Arrays Used? Arrays are very useful for holding lists of values for certain scripts. For example; holding the id of each button that has been activated within a game.

Object Oriented Programming (Code)

Submitted by GeePee on
Introduction: Hello and welcome to a tutorial on Object Oriented Programming, with code examples as opposed to theory. Ready the theory page Before starting this page make sure you have read and understand the theory page which can be found here. Instances The use of OOP is to have multiple instances of one class running at the same time, each with it's own variables and methods.

Object Oriented Programming (Theory)

Submitted by GeePee on
Introduction: Welcome! This page will be explaining Object Oriented Programming with examples. The examples are theory only but a code example will be released soon (if not already). What is Object Oriented Programming? Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is commonly used in programs which require doing the same things over and over again. Much like a function or method can be ran multiple times, OOP classes can be ran multiple times, simultaneously. When is OOP used? OOP is used in games and some other software.

Setting Up JFrame/Program Window

Submitted by GeePee on
Introduction: Hello. This page will teach you how to use JFrames within Java. What is a JFrame? A JFrame is a Java component which is able to hold or contain multiple more components. The JFrame is the 'window' of the program (the outer part which has the re-size options, the minimize, maximize and close options as well as the title of the program and icon). Should I use a JFrame in my program? You should only use a JFrame if you need a GUI/UI in your program.

Online Car Selling Site

Submitted by sba stuff on
This is one of my university semester projects. This is my car selling project. The logic behind this site is that user make first his account then he will select cars he want to buy. The cars came from database and only those cars he want to buy. He will then select a car, enter his credit card. When he clicks buy button, it will first verify weather it has sufficient amount in bank or not. Then


Submitted by GeePee on
Introduction: This tutorial will teach you how to use Imports in Java. What are imports? Imports are very important... see what I did there?... *sigh* Most programming languages, including Java, are very 'lazy' and will only get the information for classes it knows it will need or is directly referenced.


Submitted by GeePee on
Introduction: Welcome! This tutorial will teach you about how to create and use ArrayLists. What are ArrayLists? ArrayLists, normally referred to as just Arrays, is a type which can contain multiple items. For example; a shopping list could be referred to as an array or shopping items. ArrayLists must be made up of one type only. You are unable to mix and match different types within one ArrayList such as String and Integer.

ASP.NET Assignments

Submitted by sba stuff on
My ASP.NET assignments in C#. Through These Assignments You Will Learn; (Click And Open Website Not A Project. And Give Folder Path) 1: Insert, Update and Delete Record. (SQL Server 2008 R2) 2: Using Google API. 3: Uploading Image. 4: Swapping Images 5: Toggling 6: Threads (CLOCK) 7: Session Handling. 8: Retrieval Of Records From Database and Show in Data Grid View. 9: XML READING And Writing. 10