All Basics Programs and Access Database Connectivity Programs of VB.NET Just in one Project

Submitted by Hasan soherwardi on
Technologies use to • Visual studio 2010 • VB.NET 2010 • .NET Framework 4 • Access 2007 List of programs: • Calculator • ComboBox • All Condition Statements • DialogBox Examples • ListBox • LinkBox • ProgressBar • PictureBox • Timer • MenuBar • RichtextBox • All Looping Statements Examples(For Loop, While Loop and Do While Loop) • Single Dimensional Array and Two Dimensional Array Examples • Two

Attendance Monitoring System in VB.Net with RFID Technology

Submitted by janobe on
Attendance Monitoring System is a software-based system that the functions are very easy to use and can be learned in no time. This is very helpful in recording and monitoring the attendance of the students on the campus. By scanning their ID using RFID technology, the teacher can keep track of the attendance of the students. By using this system, you can save a lot of effort and time, due to the

Teacher's Behavior Evaluation System in VB.Net Integrated with Bunifu Frameworks

Submitted by janobe on
A Teacher Evaluation System is a software-based system that its main goal is to help save a lot of time in reviewing the performance of every teacher in a classroom, rates them and provides feedback that leads to improving their performance in teaching and learning. This is a user-friendly system that anyone who administers this or has access can easily use the functionalities of the system. It