Feed my Snake Game using Python with Free Source Code

Submitted by razormist on
Feed my Snake Game using Python with Free Source Code Feed my Snake Game with Source Code is a single-player game where your objective is to feed your snake and get a score. You just need to careful and avoid getting bump into your tail or outside the boundary. The purpose of the system is have some enjoyable moment with your friends and family. About the Project The Feed my Snake Game was built

Invoice System using PHP/OOP Free Source Code

Submitted by oretnom23 on
Introduction This is a PHP project that I'd developed called Invoice System. This is a simple OOP PHP project that can help some companies to manage their invoices. The system handles invoices for both selling products and services. This system can help other programmers especially those who are new to PHP language to learn some techniques and understand how to build an Invoice System in the said

PHP Projects Ideas and Source Codes for Beginners Free Download

Submitted by oretnom23 on
PHP or Hypertext Preprocessor is a widely-used open source Programming/Scripting Language that is commonly used in web development. It is mainly focused on server-side scripting. PHP can collect data, manage files on the server, generate dynamic page content, manage data in your database, and more. For those who are new to PHP Language and interested to learn the said programming language, I have

CRUD Operation in XML File using PHP with Modal Tutorial

Submitted by nurhodelta_17 on
This tutorial tackles on how to create a CRUD(create, read, update and delete) operation also knows as add, edit, delete in XML Files using PHP with Bootstrap Modal to handle our Forms. XML stands for eXtensible Markup Language which is designed to store and transport data and sometimes used as a database substitute.

Online Health Care System in PHP with Full Source Code

Submitted by janobe on
Online Health Care System in PHP with Full Source Code The Online Health Care is an automated system that is made up of PHP, CSS, JavaScript, and MYSQL for the database. The main purpose of this Online Health Care system is to help improve and optimize all the processes within the institution. This Online Health Care system has two sides, an admin and a user. About the Online Health Care System in

Online Student Enrollment System using PHP/MySQLi Free Source Code

Submitted by donbermoy on
About Project The Student Enrollment In PHP is a simple mini project for keeping records of students. The project contains the admin and user sides. The admin can manage all the management like adding student’s details, editing the details if required, and view the enrolled student’s information. Admin has a vital role in the management of this system. For the user side, a user can view the

Simple Quiz System Project in Python Free Source Code

Submitted by razormist on
Project Title: Simple Quiz System Simple Quiz System with Source Code is a Python program that can let students take exams digitally. The purpose of the system is to maintain the taking of quizzes and improve your skill. This program was developed using only Python language. The project is a console application where you can navigate via entering certain numeric keys. The system can make your life

Creating a Login and Registration Form using PHP PDO Tutorial

Submitted by razormist on
Learn how to create a PDO Login and Registration using PHP. PHP is a server-side scripting language designed primarily for web development. PDO stands for PHP Data Objects. It is a lean and consistent way to access databases. This means developers can write portable code much easier. It is mostly used by a newly coders for its user-friendly environment.

Creating a Simple Captcha Generator in PHP Tutorial

Submitted by razormist on
Learn how to create a Simple Captcha Generator using PHP. PHP is a server-side scripting language designed primarily for web development. Using PHP, you can let your user directly interact with the script and easily to learned its syntax. It is mostly used by a newly coders for its user-friendly environment.

Exam Hall Management System Full Source Code Using PHP/MySQL

Submitted by Nikhil_B on
Abstract : The Examination Hall System is a PHP project that can automate the process of exam allotment and seating arrangement. The system was developed using the following languages: PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MySQLi, and jQuery. The system facilitates the examination by assigning each student to their respected classes and allocating the seating arrangement to avoid conflict. Most of the time