SQL Data Types

Submitted by admin on

The data type determines the kind of values that users can store in the field. Like every programming languages, the SQL also has specific data type to store data. Following are some data type and there descriptions in which SQL allows us to store data.

Microsoft Access Data Types

Source: Microsoft Access Help


Submitted by admin on

The AUTO INCREMENT generates a new number that increment by 1 from the previous number. This will allow a unique number to be associated in a row when it is inserted into a table.

You can set the AUTO INCREMENT during creation of the table or you can also use ALTER TABLE Statement if you have already created the table.

The following example will create a table named "Users" and add a Primary Key with Auto Increment in ID field.

Syntax for SQL Server

Annual Inspection Section (Database System)

Submitted by mrdobLedos on
Hello... This program entitled "Annual Inspection Section (Database System)" was my 6th uploaded tutorial since i became a member of this site! It was currently used at the "City Government of Makati" Eng'g Dept, and i'm currently working on it 'coz its not finished yet.... Anyway guys.... it has some bugs that i'm trying to fix. Anybody who will help me is my pleasure.. thanks..

Customer And Invoice Maintenance System

Submitted by sameer on
Customer And Invoice Mainatenace System Its very simple application.this application will teach very helpfull programming skills. It requires Visual studio 2005 and Sql Server 2005 for more information Call me on 9920049934 Visit my website www.itprojectsworld.blogspot.com or send mail me on [email protected] or [email protected]