Web-based Payroll Application

Submitted by Cayman on
Hi all, This is a web-based payroll application using ASP.NET and C# programming language. It showcase the use of MVC programming paradigm (not the ASP.NET MVC Framework) and Singleton programming pattern. It uses Telerik controls for ASP.NET, a powerful third party control. It also has some neat stuff like scheduling task items and asynchronous user-defined task.

Install WampServer

Submitted by admin on

Before we start working with PHP/MySQL, you need to install WampServer first in your local computer. WampServer will allow you to run PHP script in your local computer without accessing live server.

Running PHP script locally will also speed up your development.

First download WampServer from http://www.wampserver.com/.

Download WampServer

In step # 3 select 32bit or 64bit.

What is PHP

Submitted by admin on

PHP is one of the best scripting language alternatives to Microsoft’s ASP. PHP is known as the language used by popular Content Management System or CMS like WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla.

PHP is used along with MySQL as the database backend. Both software are free and is licensed under GNU.

In this tutorial you will learn how to make PHP script using step-by-step procedure.

PHP Tutorial

Submitted by admin on
PHP is the best scripting language out there and it's the widely used language for the Web. In this tutorial you will learn how to use PHP and MySQL as the database backend. In the first chapter of this tutorial I will teach you the basic of PHP, the syntax and how you can access and manipulate SQL Databases.

Face Detection Concept in C#

Submitted by itachi_philip on
This sample code provides you the concept on how image processing is done and manipulated using EmguCV. One good example of image processing is FACE and Object DETECTION and RECOGNITION etc. but in this sample code I only give Face detection and Eyes detection concept. I Hope you guys, you appreciate and love this work.. In order to work this program:

Webcam face detection in C# using Emgu CV

Submitted by itachi_philip on
This tutorial has already been posted on the other sites, since maybe few have only knew about that site then I'll have to post it here. This tutorial has also been explain in the Emgu CV website that refers in this link: http://www.emgu.com/wiki/index.php/Face_detection in which that link refers also in this link http://friism.com/webcam-face-detection-in-c-using-emgu-cv