Online Hotel Reservation System

Submitted by argie on
In this source code you can learn on how create an online reservation system with online payment. In this code you can learn also to create source code in making online payment, room inventory, add edit and delete records using php, error trapping using php and javascripts, textbox that accept numbers only, check room availability, and other feature that can be found in this complete application

Salon System using visual basic .net and SQL server

Submitted by thesis2425 on
Im selling the complete source code of the SALON SYSTEM for your thesis, with also the database and a free configuration to your computer. Free technical issue consultation Program was coded using Visual Basic .net 2011 and SQL Server 2008 as database. Report was created using Reporting Services. SYSTEM HAS BEEN DESIGNED FOR A TOUCH SCREEN MONITOR Flow of the system:

A simple class to populate and reset a listbox and a combbox

Submitted by Garouda on
Last year, in March 2010, I started writing a comprehensive school management application that I called SMART (School Management Application for Registrars and Teachers) This was in VB6 with SQL ADO and Microsoft Jet (Database engine of Access) I challenged myself and I am now migrating to VB.Net and SQL Server.

Fingerprint Scanner/Reader using Digital Persona

Submitted by admin on
This is a fingerprint scanner/reader that uses Digital Persona SDK. You can integrate this code if you have a Payroll System. The other version is GrFingerX. You need the digital personal SDK before using this code. You can find this software at Digital Persona’s website. Modify the config.txt file after you extract the file.

Countdown Timer for Bidding System

Submitted by admin on
You can use this code if you have a bidding system. It’s a timer that will let your visitors know the time left before the bidding closes. The simple PHP script will look up the value from closing_date field of bids table then use it as the target date. The JavaScript is created by Robert Hashemian. You need to have PHP/Apache/MySQL running in your system in order to run this script. To learn more

AutoComplete ComboBox using Visual Basic 6.0

Submitted by admin on
Somebody emailed me on how to create an AutoComplete ComboBox using VB 6.0. I have actually created this kind of code but using VB.NET entitled “ Autocomplete ComboBox in DataGridView Control”. I have taken the code off the net and modified it to suit my needs. Most of the example on the internet does not include database so I decided to add a database so it would be easy for you to understand on

ThumbSoft: Fingerprint Scanner/Reader using GrFingerX

Submitted by admin on
This is a fingerprint scanning system use for Daily Time Record. I am using GrFingerX library to scan the fingerprint. You need to install the library from I also include the GrFingerX.dll just in case the installer cannot register the library. Before you run the program you need to change the location of