Salon System using visual basic .net and SQL server

Im selling the complete source code of the SALON SYSTEM for your thesis, with also the database and a free configuration to your computer. Free technical issue consultation Program was coded using Visual Basic .net 2011 and SQL Server 2008 as database. Report was created using Reporting Services. SYSTEM HAS BEEN DESIGNED FOR A TOUCH SCREEN MONITOR Flow of the system: •administator •cashier •guest Administrator has access the following: •add/update/delete salon staff •add/update/delete customer info •add /update /delete products including the price of item •add /update /delete services including the price of services •generate report •view membership info •staff login availability •about us Cashier has access the following : •view billing info •view reports •view members info •view staffs info •print billing Guest has access the following: •update member info •login using her/his account •view products •view services •order products •take services •view staff availability •view about salon info Read more:

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Hi Can you provide me a sample of your code? I want a sample of one of your model classes and a data provider relating to that class. I do NOT require the full app, just a code sample. [email protected] Thanks

you can see that on the attached code :-)

can you tell me whats the database filename and where is it located? because i cannot see its database.....Thanks....

Hello I want to see the source code, but the zip file is corrupt! Thanks

the zip file is corrupt!

what is password n username for the login form?

Dear, Like I see it is a good programme from it is interface but the missing dataset and DATABASE make it useless. so if you care send the DataBase to my email [email protected] or Just Upload it here which will be better Idea please accept my best regards

Please can you provide me the use name an dpassword to test the program. to my email addres

Hi my name is aman, I have downloaded your application for the educational purpose, this is my topic in my final year submission, how can i use your application, and how can i make is run, please reply on "[email protected]"

Hello friend! Very good application, but is lacking in the database two tables: - dbo.tblEmployee - dbo.tblServices If possible send to my email: [email protected] thank you for your attention.

In reply to by dhaniel6699 (not verified)

dear, which version did you use isnot work for me

Hi, Need your help to configure this application. Can you work on chargeable basis. Please reply - [email protected]

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