Facebook Timeline Clone Script

Submitted by argie on
In this code you will learn how to make a timeline like facebook. It also includes live search, wall post, delete wall post, add other that can be found in this application. This system allows the user to post picture. The user can also add and delete friends with instant notification. this system has a comment counter and can determine the interval of time from the date posted. database name

Number Only in TextBox

Submitted by admin on
After receiving a lot of emails about how to filter keys that accepts only number character, I decided to post this simple code to illustrate on how easy it is to allow only numbers and other character like comma (,), Period (.) and Backspace key. So far this is the best code that filters character on a textbox. There are lots of codes on the internet but some don’t allow backspace and a comma


Submitted by tony_fear2003@… on
General Description The purpose of the project is to develop an easy to use expense tracking system. Users should be able to register in the system, put down their expenses categorized by tags, and get some statistics about their spending. Software should implement the following use cases: • Register and login • Edit tags • Record amount spent and mark it with a tag • View, edit and delete expense