Pemrograman grafis dengan VB6 by Rizky Khafitsyah (Graphics programming with VB6 by Rizky Khafitsyah)

Submitted by RizkyKhafitsyah on
ini adalah sebuah source code vb6 untuk pemrograman grafis yang sangat sederhana. Dibuat khusus untuk dipelajari. Silahkan Anda kembangkan sendiri imajinasi anda ! This is a vb6 source code for programming the graphics are very simple. Created specifically for the study. Please develop your own imagination!

Memasukkan Gambar ke dalam Form (Insert an image into a form)

Submitted by RizkyKhafitsyah on
berikut ini adalah sebuah code yang berguna untuk mengambil atau memasukkan sebuah gambar atau image ke dalam form melalui Command button. Sebenarnya ini merupakan kode dasar saja. Dibuat khusus untuk dipelajari oleh pemula :) the following is a useful code to retrieve or insert a picture or image into a form via the Command button. Actually this is the Basic code only. Created specifically for

LAN Chat With Spoken Messages, No Winsock!

Submitted by princenathan on
Please test the Pc with connection in the other computer using LAn based open PC1 and PC2(lan Based connection) Type the IP address and send the message Get Full SourceCode: follow me on facebook

Crystal Reports Using Local Database

Submitted by admin on
I receive one comment on one of my post “ How to Print Using Crystal Reports” asking on how to create a crystal reports using a local database. I told him to create a video on this, but I decided to create a project before I publish the video. Local database has an extension filename “.sdf”. By default you cannot see it (Data Source) when you create crystal reports using a wizard. There is no