Prison Management

Submitted by deepak.gupta150 on
This is a prison management system made in Java... Prisoner and Warden Id are auto generated Use prison_management to create DSN ...Enjoy ....................................................................... An application is to be developed that manages the wardens and prisoners at a prison. Each prisoner is identified by a unique number. Details, such as name and number of days left to serve

How to Create Login Page in PHP/MySQL

Submitted by argie on
Related code: How to Create Secure Login Page in PHP/MySQL. Yesterday I posted a tutorial on how to create a registration page using PHP/MySQL. To make some follow up with my registration page tutorial, I decided to create another tutorial on how to create a login page using PHP/MySQL. The Features of my login page contain input validation using PHP session.

How to Create Registration Page in PHP/MySQL

Submitted by argie on
Related code: How to Create Secure Registration Page in PHP/MySQL This is a simple tutorial that will teach you on how to create a simple registration form using PHP/MySQL with JavaScript for input validation. This tutorial will not teach you on how to create a good design but rather to give you knowledge on how to create a fully functional registration form.

Creating our Table

First we are going to create our database which stores our data. To create a database: 1.

LAN Based Connection Between and Sql Server

Submitted by princenathan on
Hi this is sample code to connect sql server from other computer.. need both PC1 and PC2.. can view on Network if you have question try to message my email here in my email add on YM and FB [email protected] or like my PAge on Fb thanks and GOD bless!!! ^_^ note:Open this app in the 2008 or higher and get the database name in your sql server 2008