Microsoft Revealed TypeScript as JavaScript Replacement

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
Microsoft have just unveiled their very own JavaScript replacement, a programming language known as TypeScript. The newest project from Microsoft targets to replace javaScript by being more maintainable in large projects. Some companies have already made their respective Java Replacements like Google who has two programs. Due to insistent demand from the community of programmers, Microsoft has

CPU Scheduling Algorithms

Submitted by Oelasor on
A simple program demonstrating the preemptive and non-preemptive CPU scheduling algorithms (First Come First Serve, Shortest Process First, Shortest Remaining Time First, Priority Scheduling - both preemptive and non-preemptive, and Round Robin. The program includes customizable list of processes wherein the user can enter new ones, edit and delete existing processes. It also includes an execution

VB 6.0 Source Code to Flowchart Converter

Submitted by Oelasor on
This is an unfinished version of a program that generates flowcharts from VB 6.0 source codes. I got bored before I was able to finish it, yet it is very interesting and a bit challenging. Perhaps someone out there would take some spare time to mingle with the know...just for fun... It lets the user view the code modules of most of the VB 6.0 objects such as Forms, UserControls, Class

Display Current Date and Time Demo in Android

Submitted by hob2006 on
This is a simple program that display the current time in running mode, the code returns the time in a 12-hour format (08:24:05). The current date is in a nice format (October 01,2012).This is possible using concatenation of strings. This simple little program is easy to create and can add variety and value to your Android programs.

Send Mail with SMTP Server

Submitted by [email protected] on
Sample code on how to send mail using SMTP Server. Public Function mailcall(ByVal mail_id) Try SmtpServer.Credentials = New _ Net.NetworkCredential("[email protected]", "*****") SmtpServer.EnableSsl = True SmtpServer.Port = 587 SmtpServer.Host = "" mail = New MailMessage() mail.From = New MailAddress("[email protected]") mail.To.Bcc.add(mail_id) mail.Subject = "Test Mail" mail

Age Calculator System

Submitted by kr kumawat on

This is a simple age calculator system. Enter your Date Of Birth and then enter Current Date. RESULT IN CALCULATOR: YOUR AGE YY MM DD Ok Enjoy ......... The system show the Negative month to less the months into 12 and 1year less into Calculate year Example:- Your DOB is : 5 7 1990 Current Date : 28 2 2012 ___________________________________________ RESULT -----------------------------------------