Testing File System Object in Vbscript

Submitted by minthant on
'The code is as shown below Dim WshShell choice=InputBox("Filename","Type File Name") If choice="" Then Wscript.Quit End If choice2=InputBox("Foldername", "Type Folder Name to be created") If choice2="" Then Wscript.Quit End If foldername="C:\"& choice2 filename=foldername&"\" & choice & ".txt" Set WshShl=WScript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") WshShl.Run"cmd /c mkdir C:\" & choice2 Set Fso=WScript

9-Year-Old Girl Raised $21,000 for RPG Project

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
A 9-year-old girl, Mackenzie Wilson, got a collective support of a Kickstarter campaign that will help her fund her very own role-playing game creation. With the help of her mother, Susan Wilson, the Mackenzie turned to crowdfunding site to raise around $829, enough money to cover her entrance fee to the RPG STEM Camp, a program where kids learn necessary skills to build their own video games. The

Windows Offers $100 per Apps Incentives to Entice Developers

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
Microsoft Windows made a considerable effort to populate it's app store, by offering a $100 per app with a limit of up to $2,000 for apps published in the Windows and Windows Phone Stores before June 30, 2013. Windows noted that the offer is only limited to legal residents of the 50 US States, aged at least 18 years old and are U.S. registered Windows Store and/or Windows Phone Store Developer

Connect a System and Database into a LAN or Workgroup

Submitted by WTF.Flow on
Hello programmers and developers :) Is there anyone who knows how to connect the system to a LAN? Example: I have 15 units and I install all of this my system but the database is my problem. My questions is, is it possible to modify other users the records in one database in lan connectivity at the same time? How can I do this? My idea is I shared my folder which includes the system, into workgroup or LAN? And is possible input a records even the database is in read only mode? Free to leave a comments and suggestions Thanks

Google BigQuery Updated for Easier Data Analysis

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
The Google Developers Blog have announced that the Google BigQuery has been updated with a greater range of query and data types that adds more flexibility with table structure, and better tools for collaborative analysis. The Google BigQuery is Google's tool that lets your run SQL-like queries against large datasets. The tool is designed to work most effectively when used for interactive analysis

Chat Application (connecting winforms to webapp chat service) demo => http://chatme.somee.com/

Submitted by tony_fear2003@… on
PROGRAMMER: WINSTON L. GUBANTES Features: 1. Chat Application Sample to connect your Winform Application to Web App Chat service Useful with following Scenarios 1. Realtime based apps 2. if you want your client application(be it web or winform apps) to get notified when data has changes 3. of course can be used as chat application can be suited on any type of application(web, agent service or