Creating Sleepy Face in Java

Submitted by mehfuza on
In this tutorial we will learn to create a simple face(only eyes) which change when sleep button or wakeup button is clicked. This Application has two JButtons and a Panel for displaying the face. This Application handles Action Events for the buttons. In all we will create three class to make the design simple and clear.

Part 1: Creating a Class FacePanel for drawing face

Step 1: This class is used to draw the face based on whether the face is awake or asleep. For that we require a boolean variable awake which is set false initialy.

Retail Store Sales Management

Submitted by djshoruv on
This is a complete retail store sales management system. It allows you to create invoice, accept product return, and refund a sales. It has also a report for daily sales, daily sales return, current stock report, purchase report, sales report and a lot more. Password: 123 Full version source code. If u need any kind of help plz mail me.

Detecting and Deleting Duplicate Records in SQL Server 2005 and Above

Submitted by tamizhventhan on
Most of the time, we encounter duplicate records in our database. And it's not easy to delete it if you don't have enough knowledge about SQL Statement. This code will help you detect and delete duplicate records in SQL Server 2005 and above. (These commands only works on sql server 2005 or higher) Create table create table example(id int identity(1,1),name varchar(20),class varchar(20)); (Here

Converting Java Applet to Application

Submitted by mehfuza on
Applets are programs which run on web browser and Application means the stand alone program in a computer. In Java we can convert Applets to Application and Application to Applet. Using this idea we can make any program run as either applet or as an application. Following are the steps for converting applets to Application. Step 1: Change init() method's name to the constructor. Java Applets contains init() method which is used for initializing the applet, this method should be changed to constructor for that class.

Part IV: Improving of Code using Modules in Visual Basic.Net

Submitted by joken on
This tutorial is a continuation of Part III: Update and Delete Specific Data in MySQL Database using Visual Basic. Net. But this time we're going to focus on how we can improve the design of our existing code using Code Refactoring. Refactoring is the process of changing a software system in such a way that it hasn't altered the external behavior of the code, yet improves its internal structure.