Alice ML Got Extended Support For Distributed, Concurrent, And Constraint Programming

Submitted by Saad Arif on
If you have been waiting for Alice MI update to arrive in the market then you wait is over. Recently, the Alice MI has got released some updates in which support for concurrent, constraint and distributed programming has been added. I bet, most of you coders out there were looking for just the same kind of thing right? Overview Alice ML is basically a functional programming language that is based

How to Create a Stocks Inventory System

Submitted by joken on
In this tutorial, I'm going to teach how to create a Stocks Inventory System in a phase to phase basis. This system will be developed using Visual Basic 2008 and Microsoft Access Database 2003 for database. Here’s the outline for this topic:
  • Setting the Database tables
  • Setting Database connection
  • Creating a Stock Master
Registering new stocks
Updating stock
Removing stocks
  • Creating a transaction
Releasing of stocks
Returning of stocks

Mercurial 2.8 Released

Submitted by Saad Arif on
Mercurial has released its scheduled update version in the market. The latest version is Mercurial 2.8 and it contains a lot of new features. Below, you will find information about the updates that you can see in Mercurial 2.8. Core Features Hgweb: add revset syntax support to search features has been added in new version along with “hgweb: always run search when a query is entered (BC). Another

Inventory System for Electric Items Distribution Company

Submitted by gihan.wiraj on
I created this program based on my client's requirements. I am using MS Access as a backend database. Here's the features of this program: Customer masterfile Adding of items Support bulk payments Allow returning of good and damage items Invoice Supplier payments And a lot of reports Username = viraj Pasword = 1989

Banking System

Submitted by itoroakpan on
This system is using MS SQL Server. The following are the features of this system: Create account Create account number Close account Freeze account Unfreeze account Credit account Debit account Check account balance Run the Sql script to create the database in your sql server (myRetailAccount), before running the application.

How To Review A Code In Better Way

Submitted by Saad Arif on
In programming world, when one code is written by a programmer, it is then reviewed by another programmer to find any bugs. This practice ensures that the ethical coding standards are used while writing a program and there is nothing wrong with the end product. However, many programmers find it difficult to review codes and that is because, they don’t have any set standards. We will give you a