Race Between Oracle as No. 1 Database and MySQL

Submitted by anthea on
Not only in every sports, audition, and career in life competition always exist, but it is also present in every database system. Oracle is considered as the No. 1 database, but the MySQL will never let itself left behind with other database especially to the Oracle. According to the DB-Engines site which tracked and determined the most popular database, it currently ranked Oracle at the top slot

Login User and User Registration Form in Visual Basic 2008 and MySQL Database

Submitted by janobe on
In this tutorial I will show you how to create a Login User and User Registration Form using Visual Basic 2008 and MySQL Database. In this features, you can Register and Login what you’ve Registered in the User Registration Form. Login Form is very Important in making a System because this serves as a Protection in your System from Invaders.

15 Tips as Successful Independent Software Developer

Submitted by blinkremz1 on
The main advantage on this career as an independent software developer is having yourself as a boss, no corporate policies should be followed but considering limitations. As an independent software developer there are at least 15 steps to be followed according to infoworld.com in order to attain accuracy and to maximize the free source job: 1. If your working in a corporate company and opted to

Clearing of Multiple Textboxes in just a Click Using Visual Basic 2008

Submitted by janobe on
If you are a beginner in Programming Languages and you’re using Visual Basic, this tutorial will help you minimize your code and lessen your work. This procedure is to clear all the data in the TextBoxes in a certain Form, for example, when you create a “User Entry” Form.

Non-tech Corporation also Buys Software Startups

Submitted by blinkremz1 on
Nowadays, not only big companies such as Facebook, Google, Microsoft and among others are buying software companies and even non-technological companies are highly collective and include software startups as a technical intervention. It is a good news for programmers of non-tech companies to initiate software startups. “Their main motivation is realizing that software is eating the world, and they

Populate Country and Region Dropdown Based on Visitor Location

Submitted by chrislim2888 on
This sample show you a simple solution to tackle a common needs of displaying entire country and region list for visitor selection. It is crucial for many cases such as user registration, feedback gathering page, comment page, billing page and many more. Beyond of just displaying the country and region list, this sample also demonstrate you on how to auto highlight the country and region where the

Use Module in AutoAppend and Suggest Textbox Using Visual Basic 2008 and MS Access Database

Submitted by janobe on
On my first tutorial I teach you how to AutoSuggest a Textbox Using Visual basic 2008 And MySQL Database. Now, in this Tutorial I will show you how to Module the AutoAppend and Suggest a TextBox using Visual Basic 2008 and MS Access Database.