Should Everyone Learn How to Code?

Submitted by anthea on
That question is related to the recent announcement of United States of America President Barack Obama during the "Computer Science Education Week," as he said, young generation should learn how to code, as he believed that through learning in the hours of code, young ones could be able to help augment the scarcity of their society specifically in terms of its economic status, as he added, "If we

Deleting Multiple Data in MySQL Database Using Visual Basic 2008

Submitted by janobe on
In my last tutorial I teach you how to save multiple data in MySQL database. This time, I will teach you how to delete multiple data with a selector which is a CheckBox. With this, you can choose whatever data you want to delete and it is very useful. Now lets begin: I already created the MySQL Database in my first tutorial.

Convert NFA to DFA

Submitted by reza bojnordi on
My plan is to actually convert NFA to DFA. The program includes three state prove that the letters "a" and "b" are closed NFA and DFA is become and what values ​​the program automatically recognizes the state and the user displays. R. Bojnordi programmer from Iran Contact number 00989368700813

Simple AutoComplete ComboBox in a DataGridView

Submitted by janobe on
Today I will show you how to create an AutoComplete ComboBox in the DataGridView, add the ComboBox on the DataGridView and add a list of items in the ComboBox programmatically. Let’s begin: Open the Visual Basic 2008, create a project and set your Form just like this. Main Form Then, double click the Form and create a code for adding and putting a list of items in the Comb

Bantas Programming Language Editor

Submitted by muthym on
BantasPLed is a Bantas Programming Language Editor coded in Rapid-Q programming language. The editor is very simple and very basic to run your BantasPL programs. You can study the code and improve it according to your taste :) For now, only the source code of the editor is available. I still have many things to do for its interpreter. So expect some bugs. But don't worry you can still play with it