Microsoft Foundation Classes: creating a Sudoku game. Part 2.

Submitted by pavel7_7_7 on
It's the second part of the article about creating a Sudoku game using MFC. In this part you will read about how to create GUI for this game. The MFC applications are closely connected to the document-view architecture. When you create a project two classes are created: document class and view class. The document class contains the data used in your application.

Microsoft Foundation Classes: creating a Sudoku game. Part 1.

Submitted by pavel7_7_7 on
In this article you will read about the rules of the Sudoku game and the algorithm, used to solve the Sudoku puzzle. In the next two articles I'll describe the complete step by step guide about how to implement a Sudoku puzzle game using MFC. The goal of the Sudoku game is to fill the 9x9 grid with numbers from 1 to 9 in the next way:
  • Each row contains all numbers from 1 to 9
  • Each column contains all numbers from 1 to 9
  • Each block of 3x3 cells contains all numbers from 1 to 9
Here is an example of the solved Sudoku:

Reverse a String in VB.NET

Submitted by donbermoy on
In this tutorial, we will create an application on how to Reverse a String in VB.NET. First, Go to Microsoft Visual Studio, go to File Menu, click New Project, and choose Windows Form Application. Now, create two textboxes with the default name of TextBox1 and Textbox2. Textbox1 will be used as our string input and Textbox2 for displaying the reversed string result.

Work with Files in Java: Searching and Replacing Elements of Array

Submitted by pavel7_7_7 on
This article is an example of a typical college assignment. This article describes the opening file processes, and resolves some problems relevant to array usage. Often, students are asked to implement some assignments that are connected with different array algorithms. Another popular task is the reading of data from file. In this article I'll describe an example of assignment, that is connected with files and arrays in Java.

Creating a Simple Java Applet

Submitted by pavel7_7_7 on
In this article you will find information about the creating of simple applet using java.awt. Java applet is a small application created using Java language. The user starts applet from the web-browser and it's executed by the Java Virtual machine. The parameters of the applet are received from the web page and they can be used during the applet execution. We will create an Applet, that takes some information from the menu of choice lists and inputs the result of our choice. The first step to create an applet is to derive our class from Applet class.

FreeVB: Automated Instructor Room Load System (A Scheduler System -Collation Algorithm)

Submitted by DavaoCloudStudio on
**I appreciate your opinion and helping to find a BUG or DUPLICATE error system** New #module & #features: #Entries Add Campuses Add Rooms Add Subjects Add Instructors Add Department #Display: View Room View Subject General #ReportPrint: By Room By SchoolYear & Semester #Login: Single Administrator account (Department Account Creator but can't update only delete user) Multiple Department accounts