Marquee Text with NumericUpDown Control in C#

Submitted by donbermoy on
Today in C#, I will teach you how to create a program that has the marquee text functionality and has a NumericUpDown control to control the speed of the marquee text. We all know that in HTML, a marquee is a small section of the browser window that displays text that rolls across the screen. You use the MARQUEE element to create scrolling section. Now, let's start this tutorial! 1.

Simple Add, Update, Delete and Search using PHP and MySql

Submitted by Talarng on
This is a simple Add, Update, Delete and Search using PHP and MySql. Only for first class of PHP -Connect to Database with MySQl -Insert -Update -Delete -Search all of Using HTML, CSS and PHP Only. Note: Extract File Zip 1. Create Database name test_db 2. Import file test_db.sql 3. execute.

JAVA Catch the Eggs Game Programming part2

Submitted by moazkhan on


JAVA Catch the Eggs Game Programming part2 In this tutorial you will learn: 1.Game Programming 2.CardLayout 3.Changing screens in the game 4.Internal Classes 5.Swing Animations 6.Event handling 7.JAVA awt 8.JAVA swing 9.Adapters In this tutorial I will continue coding my previous tutorial and write the GamePanel class which we left empty in our previous tutorial.

Get All Files under a Directory in VB.NET

Submitted by donbermoy on
Today in VB.NET, I will teach you how to create a program that gets all files under its corresponding directory not all the folders that are inside on it. Now, let's start this tutorial! 1. Let's start with creating a Windows Form Application in C# for this tutorial by following the following steps in Microsoft Visual Studio: Go to File, click New Project, and choose Windows Application. 2.

Multiple Uploads Using PHP & JQuery

Submitted by GeePee on
I made a simple image gallery using php and jquery. It has a capability to upload multiple images with a maximum of 20 images per upload because the server(WAMP) I used has a limitation in number of images to be uploaded. I also added slideshow on the home page. Once the user hover on the image, it automatically slides. Hope you learn from this simple project of mine.

Rock-Paper Scissor Game in C#

Submitted by donbermoy on
In this tutorial, i will teach you how to create a game program called Rock-Paper Scissor Game in C#. A rock-paper-scissor game is one of the most popular kiddie games here in Philippines. It is a simple game played around the world with many names and variations. It's a good way to decide whose turn it is to do something, and it's also played competitively. And today we will make this game and compete with a computer player. Now, let's start this tutorial! 1.