Razmazio : JAVA Side Scroller Game Programming part1

Submitted by moazkhan on


Razmazio : JAVA Side Scroller Game Programming part1

In this tutorial you will learn: 1. Timer class 2. Animations using timer 3. Side Scroller game 4. Game Programming 5. Changing screens in the game 6. Swing Animations 7. Event handling 8. JAVA awt 9. JAVA swing 10. Adapters Today I am going to teach you how to make a simple yet fun game in JAVA. This tutorial will be divided into two parts so that thing remain simple and everyone could easily understand. In this game we will try to copy the basics features of SUPER MARIO.

Retrieving Specific Data in MySQL/PHP

Submitted by Yorkiebar on
Introduction: This tutorial is on how to retrieve specific data from a database through PHP and MySQL/MySQLi. Latest: In my latest tutorials I have shown how to retrieve all rows from a database table, how to insert data, and how to validate data. Now I will show you how to retrieve specific data through slightly more advanced queries. Database: First you will obviously need a database with table

Shutdown app

Submitted by sminuwa on
Hello welcome, once again, here also, is another application called shutdown app that I've created to help new window 8 user on how to shutdown, restart, hibernate, logoff and remote shutdown activities automatically. I found it expedient for me to share it to you guys! Have fun! And show me your appreciation. For more.......contact @ [email protected] Whatsapp and Calls +2348135067070 Have

Interest Solver

Submitted by sminuwa on
Hello guys once again, here is another program. I create this software within 8hours the software. The software is based on simple calculation, compound, inflation, and depreciation. But because I divided it into versions this one is only use for calculate simple and compound interest. In sha Allah I'll try to share it with you. I hope you'll appreciate it. For more......contact @ Fformulator

PHCN Billing System

Submitted by sminuwa on
Hello guy, this application seems to be helpful to those that need to learn how to delete, insert, select, update data in the database and crystal report as well. I found it expedient for me to share it with you so that you may have I deas when you go into it. I hope you will appreciate it Customer Login:Username: customer_firstname Customer Login:password: customer_regno Admin Login: contact me @

Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) Billing System

Submitted by Formulators on
Hello guys, I created this software for my sister as her final semister project. The software is able to do many thing especially with things related to database and crystal report. I hope it will be useful to you. Adnin login: contact me @ [email protected] Or calls @ +23408135067070 Facebook.com/sunusi.mohammad.59

PACMAN Animation Programming part2

Submitted by moazkhan on


PACMAN Animation Programming part2

In this tutorial you will learn: 1. Game Programming 2. Swing Animations 3. Event handling 4. JAVA awt 5. JAVA swing 6. Adapters Now we will continue making our PacMan animation. In this tutorial we will write the functions and conditions for up , down ,left and right. Which we were calling in our detect collision function.

Mouseover Fade Effect

Submitted by GeePee on
A very simple image animation yet a very interesting one. This animation is what we mostly see in web designs and can also be used in making image gallery. The code is very simple and easy to understand. I change the opacity of the image into .5 and when the user hover on it, image opacity change into 100%. Hope you learn from this simple project.

Splash Screen Pro

Submitted by AnassDev on
This project explain how to use splash screen to get professional work. A Splash Screen is a customizable screen that will appear for a few seconds as your application loads up. but in this project the time for splash screen will be customizable. It is a very professional feature to have in your application. MS visual studio 2012 used.

Validating and Inserting User Data in PHP/MySQL(i)

Submitted by Yorkiebar on
Introduction: This tutorial is on how to take user input, check it against a database, and insert if it is not already present. This could be used for registration in terms of unique usernames. Database: First we need a database with one table. My database is called 'fln', table is called 'test', and it has two fields: id, int, 5 length, primary key, auto increment. username, varchar/string, 255