Stacks Using C++ Part2

Submitted by moazkhan on

Stacks using c++ part2

In this tutorial, you will learn 1. When stacks should be implemented by arrays. 2. When stacks should be implemented by linked list. 3. Implementation of stacks using linked list. When should the stacks be implemented by linked list? In stacks, data is entered and removed from same end. So, there is no insertion and deletion from middle. As we learnt that while inserting data in the middle of an array, this creates a problem. Since in stacks, data is inserted and removed from one end only.

K-Means Project

Submitted by kdhanamjay on
PROJECT TITLE: K-Means Clustering PURPOSE OF PROJECT: Implement k-means clustering on a training data set to predict classification values of a test data set. AUTHORS: Dhanamjay VERSION or DATE: 1.0 14/08/2014 INSTRUCTIONS: 1) Compile both Java files (javac 2) Run KMeansClustering (java KMeansClustering) 3) After prompted, specify number of centroids to use. ------


Submitted by waqasyaqoob on
You'll find six pre-built CSS classes that will apply the 3D effect in six different colors. You'll also find classes for five different font variations, served up via Google Fonts. To make it easier to add your own colors, I've added additional style sheets built with Sass and LESS. These use a mixin that only requires you to set a single color, from there the preprocessor takes care of the rest.

Hint in CSS

Submitted by waqasyaqoob on
This project will teach you on how to create a tooltip. I have here an example of where we can position tooltips. We can put it on the top, left, right, and in bottom. And also some notifications like system error, for information and warning. The "hint.css" is written as a pure CSS tooltip library which you can use to create cool tooltips for your site. Hope you will enjoy it

Thumbnails Shrink and Grow Effect in jQuery

Submitted by GeePee on
This project will teach you on how to zoom and shrink thumbnails in an easy way using the hover pulse jquery plugin. The thumbnails automatically magnifies on mouse hover. We can also customize the speed of animation and the size of thumbnails when it is hovered. In my example, each thumbnail is also linked to their corresponding page. Hope you learn from this.

Introduction to Stacks

Submitted by moazkhan on

Introduction to Stacks

In this tutorial, you will 1. Learn the concept of stacks. 2. Be given practical examples of LIFO 3. Learn what the types of implementation of stack are? 4. learn the array based implementation of stacks. What is the concept of stacks? The concept of stacks is very simple. It is that if you insert an element in a stack, it always occupies top position and when you remove element, the element at top is always removed. i.e. the element inserted last is removed first. Another name given to such insertion is LIFO i.e. last in first out.