Notification Box in CSS - #1 HTML & PHP

Submitted by Yorkiebar on


This tutorial is on how to make a notification box for your website. This is the first of two parts, in which we will be creating the HTML and setting the messages.

Notification Box?

When I say a notification box, I mean one of those smooth and sliding information boxes which sometimes appear under certain circumstances on a website at the top of the page. Normally stating that the web page uses 'cookies'.


First we want to create the HTML for our page.

How To build jquery ajax with php

Submitted by thusitcp on
This tutorial describes how to insert, update, and delete method using php/ajax. In this tutorial I am creating small project for user account creation. That will guide you how to process server side script using Ajax without refreshing the page. What is Ajax? Ajax stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. It is a technology to use communicates to sever and load severs side content without

Ticket System in PHP - #5 Ticket Processing

Submitted by Yorkiebar on


This tutorial is the final part in my ticket system via PHP tutorial. This part will be covering processing the ticket.

Ticket Information:

We are already sending the email to the entered 'forgot password' reset form containing the ticket ID. This ticket ID links to the customer account through the column value of 'User'. It should also be noted that the email address only receives an email with the ticket number, and not a URL.

Facade Design Pattern with C#.NET and SQL Server

Submitted by thusitcp on
Most of software companies are making high cost software for their clients around the world so software development should become profitable business to development companies. Standard development process, well define cording style always helpful to achieve their business goals. As my experience lot of software has some portion of common occurring problems. Developing same component for each client will be reducing profit of software companies. To overcome above issues now a day’s software companies used reusable component.

Ticket System in PHP - #4 Ticket Creation

Submitted by Yorkiebar on


This tutorial is the fourth part in my series of how to create a PHP based ticket system. This part will be covering inserting the generated ticket/random string in to the 'tickets' table within your database.


We only want to insert a new ticket when a certain event occurs, this event will be when the 'Forgotten Password' link or button is clicked/selected.

Some SQL Query Optimization Technique

Submitted by thusitcp on
Modern day software application has millions of concurrent users. Development of efficiently serviceable application needs huge amount of effort, usage of lot of tools and techniques. Software developers always try to improve performance of the application by improving design, cording and database development. When we consider database development query optimization and evaluation techniques are

3D Cube Rotate Animation in CSS

Submitted by GeePee on
In this project, you will learn how to animate a 3D cube rotating using CSS. This is pure css with no javascript code has been included. In my example, I used it as an information of film showing or it can also be used in displaying ads. The cube is rotating continuously on it's certain speed(depending of what speed you want to set). Try this. It's a cool animation. Hope you learn from this.