How to Create a Custom Command Line program in Visual Basic

Submitted by GeePee on
Introduction: Welcome to my tutorial on how to create a Custom Command Line in Visual Basic using a form design. Steps of Creation: Step 1: First we want to create a form with; listbox1 - to contain program output, textbox1 - to contain user input. Step 2: Next we want to access teh textbox1 keyPress event.

How to Create a Local Password Lock in Visual Basic

Submitted by GeePee on
Introduction: Welcome to my tutorial on how to create a Local Password Lock in Visual Basic. The fact that it's local just means that the password is hardcoded in to the program and can not be changed without editing the source code of the program. Steps of Creation: Step 1: First we want to create a program with; textbox1 - contain password, label1 - to indicate to the user where to input the password, button1 - to check the password. Step 2: Next we want to create a couple of variables.

How to Create a Mouse Auto Clicker in Visual Basic

Submitted by GeePee on
Introduction: Welcome to my tutorial on how to create an Auto Mouse Clicker in Visual Basic. Steps of Creation: Step 1: First lets create a form with; numericupdown1 to contain the amount of times to click, label1 to show the user the numericupdown1 will contain the amount of times to simulate clicks and a button to start the process. Step 2: Now lets make some variables to allow us to simulate clicks.

Advance ATM System in Java

Submitted by Bhaumik Mistry on
This project is an advance ATM System using Java. I used Net Beans and MS Access 2007 as a database. This is how to connect to database: 1. Open Start Menu > Setting. 2. Open Control Panel > Administrative Tools. 3. Double click on Data Source(ODBC). 4. Click System DSN menu tab and add database name ATMINFO. 5. And press Ok and your done. Hope you learn from this.

Social Networking Site: Facebook like “Discover People You May Know”

Submitted by GeePee on
In this tutorial, I’m going to show you how to create page Facebook like “Discover People You May Know”. This page will display a list of all people you may know or you want to know and this page also is a preparation for our next lesson on how to add friends.

POS with Inventory System

Submitted by EmoEvil Pillow on
This is a very simple POS and Inventory System created using Visual Basic. Hope this project will help you in your future project. If you want to revise this system, feel free to do so. Hope you learn from this project. This is submitted by: Ryan Cequina Carl Ben Cezar Michelle Anne Grijaldo Rofer Tayong For the completion of our subject in theodbs by Sir Roldan.