POS Transaction Report Processor
Submitted by Frankline on Saturday, December 19, 2015 - 16:31.
Hello to you all, you can try this application and learn from it.
It is my practice project and thanks to sourcecodester for the oppotunity,
because i have learnt a lot from this site and i want others to learn from it too that is why i posted the application to this site.
I used vb 2010 for the front and sql2008 for the back end. you can also use sql2008 express with advanced features for reporting services,
install report viewer to view reports. Restore the database and access the "POSTRANS_Account" table for user names and password. To view the settings,
the password is "P@$$c0de". With this application, you can perform, add, update, and delete using sql stored procedures.
Thank you for viewing and i hope some one learn fromm this.
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