Adventure game in Python (Droid Adventure) - Text Based

Submitted by pdan250 on

Okay, i just finished programing a new droid adventure game. I got source codes from internet, pasted them on python, personalized everything, made a few changes in story, and VOILA! Here it is! Droids adventure game! Just copy the source code to your python shell, then run the module. Hope you have fun!

3D Portfolio Panel Page & Touch Screen Effects

Submitted by abfiph on
SASS and CSS We use SASS and Bourbon ( for our resources. If you don't use SASS, just use the .css files that you find in the css folder. You can delete both sass and partials folders. Instructions: Just run on your normal desktop browsers & mobile browsers tool. Thanks & Enjoy. Hope you like it. I am happy if like my codes

Check Number of Isolated Vertices & Pendent Vertices from Adjacency Matrix

Submitted by Arup Kr Goswami on
This is a simple C source code written in gcc paltform (Ubuntu, Linux). It checks that how many Isolated vertices & pendent vertices are contained in the graph represented by the adjacency matrix. Isolated vertex has degree zero & pendent vertex has degree one. Hope it will help others. Thanks.

Check Number of Self-loop & Parallel Edges From Adjacency Matrix

Submitted by Arup Kr Goswami on
Hello, This is a simple C source code written in gcc paltform (Ubuntu, Linux). It tests that how many self-loop & parallel edges are contained in the graph represented by the adjacency matrix. Also it checks that which vertices contain only self-loop. Self-loop is an edge which has the same initial & termination point.