Bootstrap Responsive Desktop Table

Submitted by rinvizle on
Hello guys we will teach you how to create this simple Bootstrap Responsive Desktop Table. In this tutorial you will learn how to create this simple project. I will tell you what is bootstrap, "Bootstrapping" is also used as a term for building a system using itself or more correctly, a predecessor version. We create this application uses a bootstrap script and CSS script. This projects relays to a table of data given.

Auto Search Word Generator

Submitted by rinvizle on
In this tutorial we will create a game in C# called Auto Search Word Generator. This game creates a way of searching the word in the display letters in the form. And this game has a features to add, remove, generate, and show the answer of the list of words given or added by the user. Each word will be automatically generate and mix in the random letters and you will find out if what word will you want it to search and it will automatically show the exact word that you give.

CSS Animation Play State

Submitted by alpha_luna on
CSS animation-play-state In this tutorial we are going to learn about animation-play-state. So, what is animation-play-state? The animation-play-state property specifies whether the animation is paused or running. Syntax of this property: animation-play-state: paused | running | initial | inherit ; Property Values paused - specifies that the animation is paused. running - specifies that the

Responsive CSS Carousel

Submitted by rinvizle on
This is a simple Responsive Web Page using CSS Carousel. In this tutorial you will learn how to create a responsive web page and has a carousel design that makes the picture or the banner move or having a slideshow of every picture. As I said the Carousel plugin is a component for cycling through elements, like a carousel (slideshow).

Document Management System

Submitted by abubasil on
This is simple documentation system for small offices like purchases or clinics or any small office to manage the income and outcome paper mail into soft copies in this small database. admin: admin are the user and password for it. The sql file of the database is inside the zipped folder , just import it and try search or add a new record , add users , delete in the simplest way. please send me

CRUD and Login Registration in Codeigniter Using Bootstrap

Submitted by macch on
Hello guys, I am new to Codeigniter. I have tried my best to create this application. In this tutorial you will learn how to insert, update, delete a record in the database using codeigniter. Also you can access /login_c for login and /register for registration. Note:You can find the database within db folder. Please post your review and thoughts about the application. Thanks! mac

Search Address Autocomplete with Link to a Map

Submitted by alpha_luna on

Search Address Autocomplete with Link to a Map

If you are looking for Search Address Autocomplete with Link to a Map then you are at the right place. We are going to use the Leaflet JavaScript library to display those places in the map automatically that the user enters their desired address to search in the Textbox.

Instagram Status Post

Submitted by rinvizle on
In this tutorial we will create a instagram status script post in PHP and Javascript. This project creates a post message that you can comment or reply in every statuses that the user posted. And their are features that you will like delete post or you can comment to the other people post and it is real time process of the data so the user will know what day and what time did the user posted or created the status. This project is related to all SNS system that creates and shows the data to other user of that system.

Appliance Sales and Inventory System

Submitted by janobe on
This sales and inventory system are specially designed for appliances. This is a software based system that simultaneously track the sales and inventory activity. It optimizes efficiency in recording the stock in and out's of the appliances. As each item is sold the inventory database automatically updated. It contains feature like installment that tracks the monthly payments of the customers