Delete Data without Refreshing Page

Submitted by azalea zenith on
In this tutorial, we are going to create how to Delete Data without Refreshing Page. This is a simple project delete function using PHP/MySQL with AJAX script. This tutorial feature is to delete the data from the table and it also deleting data without any refresh of the page or reload. Hoping that this simple source code will help you a lot. Enjoy coding. Thank you. Create Data Table In the source code below, contains all the data from the database, we have to display all the data. To select individual which data we are going to delete it.

Update Password using PHP

Submitted by azalea zenith on
If you are looking for on how to Update Password u then you are at the right place. the right place. This simple tutorial creates using PHP/MySQL. The feature of this tutorial is to change the password from the database. It contains the Old Password from the database, New Password, and Re-Type New Password. Almost in web projects, changing password is important. Create Markup Form This simple HTML source code below contains three TextBox for the Old Password, New Password, and Re-Type Password. Where the user can update the password from the database.

Simple Clock using Dropdown in Bootstrap Template

Submitted by azalea zenith on
This Simple Clock using Dropdown in Bootstrap Template. This simple tutorial creates using JavaScript, HTML, and Bootstrap Template for the GUI. Using the drop down function, you can set the time format in every city around the world. You can use this simple tutorial to change the time set in your web projects or in a system that you have.

Simple FrameWork php, GoMvc for beginers

Submitted by klevis on
1: Edit the file onside folder Core config.php Database.php Globals.php and the .htaccess . 2: Inside folder src are the Controller Model and View 3: You can access on site like this: localhost/Admin and loclahost/Admin/text and etc ect... 4: Go Mvc, it is multilingual see the file Lang.php on folder Core. And it is a multi template see the Template folder you can edit around this code for

Inbox conversations with jQuery Mysql Php Ajax (Simple Code)

Submitted by klevis on
1: Edit the file config.php host user pass dbname 2: install tables with script : on link (dir)/index.php?init=install example (dir): localhost, localhost/inbox/index.php?init=install or you can insert manualy see the file "db.sql" on side folder "schema" 3: access on site localhost/index.php?init=login and login the default credencial on db.sql email : [email protected] pass :zxczxc And enjoy; For