SQL intro

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SQL is an acronym for Structure Query Language, it is a language which helps program to communicate with the databases, regardless of the type of the database, the SQL syntax is almost the same except for extended commands which certain DBMS support or do not support or simply have its own versions or dialects.

Weekly Sales Report using Crystal Reports

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The following source code will teach you on how to create a “Weekly Sales Report” using Crystal Reports. The most important part of this project is the use of SQL Statement. Here’s the statement that create a weekly sales report. SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT CONVERT(Varchar, DATEADD(WEEK, DATEDIFF(WEEK, CONVERT(DATETIME, '1900-01-01 00:00:00', 102), Date), CONVERT(DATETIME,

How to Change Connection String of VB.NET Project at Design Time

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One of the problems that a beginner encounter when there is a project uploaded here, is they do not know on how to change the connection string that points to the correct database location. This is true with MS Access and even with SQL Server. Some programmers don’t add a code that will automatically change the location of the database just in case it will be ported in other machine.

Library System in Visual Basic .NET 2008 and SQL Server 2008

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Here’s the full source code of the sample project, Visual Basic .NET 2008 Tutorial, I created this in addition with the tutorial that I've made several months ago. It is advised that you will follow the tutorial closely to understand how I created this project. There’s nothing so much information about this project for certainly, this project is not intended for advance programmer, thus it is

C# Shopping cart with Paypal integration developed in Visual Studio 2005

Submitted by adri80 on
PaypalCart v1.0 Developed using c# PaypalCart is fully designed using WebUserControls which makes it simple as dragging and dropping the shopping cart WebUserControls to any web site templates that has been converted to Asp.net in Microsoft Visual Studio. All frontend WebUserControls are fully customizable using style sheets.

Calendar control Selecting dates from database Disabling old dates selection Selecting multiple dates

Submitted by adri80 on
A Calendar control example for Selecting dates from database, Disabling old dates selection, and Selecting multiple dates. This application is meant for beginners. This example is done in a very easy to understand way to help beginners customize the Calendar control. using System; using System.Data; using System.Configuration; using System.Collections; using System.Web; using System.Web.Security