Classified Application
This application is used for record service request for various services like Electric, plumber, HVAC, AC Sales & Maintenance etc. Customer can book these services and then administrator can arrange services and keep track the service.
- User Management:
- User Registration
- User Login
- Forgot User Id
- Forgot Password
- Reset Password
- Choose Service Type
- Register Complaint (Same layout for different services) (User can give preferred date time for technician visit)
- GPS- Locating user location when Registering Complaint
- Google Maps- User can input Address and App will locate the location on Google Maps
- My Complaints
- List old complaints (Filters like last x months/resolved/open)
- View Complaints details (Taping of any complaint in above list will show all details)
- Complaint Lifecycle- Status (Open/Assigned/Appointment Scheduled/Awaiting customer
- feedback/Resolved/Closed)
- Appointment schedule-Scheduled Time (Date/Time when technician will arrive. For
- Closed complaints it will be Date/Time Technician closed Complaint)
- No reschedule allowed by user in system
- Ratings- Rate Technician (For closed complaints. Admin can configure time window for which rating will be open post complaint is resolved)
- Reviews- Write review (For closed complaints. Admin can configure time window for which rating will be open post complaint is resolved. User can write brief review when rating)
- Payment Gateway Integration (2 factor authentication)
- Sales enquiry
- System generated email notifications
- Welcome email
- Complaint registration conformation email
- Complaint assignment email
- Appointment scheduled/rescheduled email
- Complaint Quotation email
- Complaint resolution confirmation email
- Password reset confirmation email
- Userid reset confirmation email
- Sales enquiry thanks email
- Advertisement platforms integration (if there is plan for this)
- About
- Help
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Hi Please can you help me…
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