Simple Attendance Monitoring Using Dynamic Report (ADODC/ADODB)

This program will teach you how to make a dynamic report, listview updating, etc. Just browse the program and enjoy. #JM Maguigad, PHP and VB 6 System Developer/Freelance Programmer #Contact Infos: [email protected] or 09265215799

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do you have a program like this using a barcode scanner/ reader in taking attendance........ thanks..

i'm sorry, i don't have a program which uses barcode technology,,, next time i'll do it for you. but right now i don't have sufficient time to do that thing,i'm busy bro.

sir ? may alam ba kayo about attendance monitoring system ?? pahelp nman ..

i cant download a visual basic 6.0,can you help me . .

Try to go to following sites then follow the step required to download file. 1. 2.

sir do you have a vb code for attendance system using fingerprint reader ? can you please help us thank you

hi pwede po vah malaman ung code ng attendance sa foxpro

In reply to by amz (not verified)

sorry i don't code in foxpro. :-(

sir meron po ba kayong attendance sample codes

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