Service Record
This is one of my source code written in VB .NET 2003 before and upgraded this to version 2008. It has a few features but most of the time you cannot find this in other application.
Basic features:
- Autosize cell and autowrap
- Parent/child or master/detail form
- Password manager
Account information
username: admin
password: admin
database password: jay
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Re: How to Run this Project
I am interested
Hi there i am current learning and would be interested to have a version of the Visual Studio 2005 Version of this software. Can you please send it to me at [email protected]?
Re: 2003
Thank you for your interest in using my source code. I have emailed to you the lower version of this program.
Re: 2003 gmail rejected the mail
Can you give another email address not from gmail? They rejected my attachment.
re: VB 2005 version
Kindly sign up for an account here and I will send the 2005 version to your email account.
Do not post your email address here to avoid spam.
Thank you
requesting for visual studio 2008
i need a free download of visual studio 2008 please send for me if some body have
re: requesting for visual studio 2008
You can download a trial version from microsoft's website. Here's the link:
Connection string to MS SQL
Hi, dear Admin
My name's Bernard, i'm from Jakarta, Indonesia.
How are you Sir ? Hope you're in good shape.
I've had download n try 'Hotel Reservation','Payroll' and 'Service'. Its good for me to learn VB. Net. All above use Access database, i was wondering to use MS SQL for it. I'm planning to use MS SQL 2000. What should i do to change the connection string, is it difficult or maybe some can help me to do it ?
re: Connection string to MS SQL
Just change a few connection string. Download Enrollment System and copy the connection string that I am using there.
I am using MS SQL 2000 in that program.
Enrollment System MS SQL 2005 version pls..
Hello sir,
I am a new member here, and i am also a programmer... And i need to have a guide in making an Enrollment SYSTEM and i find your system very helpful.. can you give me a MS SQL database version of Enrollment System using 2008, also with the inventory system... hehehe.. anyway i will also share my system...
my email:
[email protected] or [email protected]
re: Enrollment System MS SQL 2005 version pls..
Actually I am using 2008 for my enrollment system. If you'd like to use sql server 2005 then just upgrade the database.
For the Inventory System I'm still waiting for somebody to donate for this project.
Good Day Sir !
im interested to learn the vb .net 2005 version i dont have any idea of this. can you please send me a installer of ang also some tutorial program that can help me do this application... im welling to know this..... this is my Email Address [email protected] so that you can send me... thanks !!! God bless you Always
By the way sir i need some source code in vb 6.0 because my problem is some textbox are assignby text or character and some textbox assign number... if i enter number the textbox cannot accept text or character then i also enter text or character the textbox cannot accept number then i want msgbox to determine the following.....
re: Datagrid
Please study Enrollment System v1.0 as I am using datagridview and SQL Server 2000 for this program.
help me plz in my THESIS
re: help me plz in my THESIS
hi, do yu have sample in
re: hi, do yu have sample in
re: help me plz in my THESIS
re: hi sir
I'm currently editing my tutorial on "Database Programming Made Easy". It will be available soon.
hi! help pls..
I think you should develop
I think you should develop Point of Sales System that supports barcode and cash drawer. Emond has contributed a program called Open Cash Drawer(POS). Use this program with permission from emond.
hi sir
Hi sir
I can help
ID Automation
pleasant day!!!
crystal report
I am interested
Service record
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