Order Management System v.1 (OMS) using File Handling (Text Files)

OMS Description: A system that provides efficiency of recording orders and provide a receipt with ease. The system has the basic functionalities of updating products provided with relative image, as well with adding products to a certain order. Using a simple file handling method to store datas in textfiles, it becomes much easier to update records if such errors occured. This system really has the functionalities that an OMS must provide. LOGIN ACCOUNT: Shown at the start of system Password: sergio Note: Some issues were not yet fixed thus I will be updating this on several upcoming weeks / months. And I hope that this project will be used for educational purposes and that the system itself maintains its copyrights as proposed. For the System Installer, Click the link below http://galvezsergio.url.ph/portfolio_page/order-management-system/ Sergio Galvez Website: http://galvezsergio.url.ph/

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Hey Boss this is A good code. i like the way you produce the receipts. How do u escape from the receipts mode? are you able to add more items...?

To escape from receipt, just click the lower asterisks of the receipt (***********************) and to print, click the upper asterisks.

Boss this is very good but it seems the system has no database attached

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