Weather Monitoring Station with Flood Monitoring System

Microcontroller-Based Weather Monitoring Station with Flood Monitoring System was my thesis in the degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering. This device made our group awarded as Best Thesis of the Year. The server station was programmed using Mikro-C and the remote station was programmed through Visual Basic.NET and MySQL as backend. I shared this code so that we can actually integrate devices with our software. Weather Monitoring Station with Flood Monitoring System has GSM and USB Mode that measures Temperature, Humidity, Rainfall, Ambient Light, Wind Direction, Wind Speed, Dew, Barometric Pressure, and Flood Level; contact information if you want to send the gathered weather data to someone using SMS as notification; has reports for daily forecasting; and has admin panel. The scope of this project:
  • The project is mainly gathering of data such as temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, atmospheric pressure, ambient light, rain intensity, and monitors the flood level for weather monitoring analysis and displayed in the remote station.
  • The remote station will send data in real-time by one-minute time interval to the server station using SMS technology.
  • The gathered data of the remote station that is sent to the server station will only be visualized in Computer Interface Program using a Personal Computer (PC).
  • The system will be operated by solar power, backed-up by an internal rechargeable battery for the full autonomy of the system.
  • The system has alarms and indicators in the Computer Interface Program to provide clear warnings of weather monitoring.
  • The remote weather station will be installed in one barangay and in municipality to have a working prototype of the project.
For more images, visit this link Weather Monitoring Station with Flood Monitoring System Best Regards, Engr. Lyndon R. Bermoy IT Instructor/System Developer/Android Developer/Freelance Programmer If you have some queries, feel free to contact the number or e-mail below. Mobile: 09488225971 Landline: 826-9296 E-mail:[email protected] Add and Follow me on Facebook: Visit and like my page on Facebook at:

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Sir good day. I found out about your research project "Weather Monitoring Station with Flood Monitoring System" in the internet. I would like to ask where did you get the materials for that project. I also would like to know what other features you can recommend. Thanks. Looking forward for your reply. This is my email address: [email protected]

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