After Sales Service Manager

Hello friends, happy New Year to you all. I am posting this project to this platform To express my deep appreciation to the management of Sourcecodester, Raj Shama whose Insightful programming ideas have as well been of great and invaluable help to me in my programming adventure and to all of the members of the forum who share there ideas. I thank you all. The project is written in 2010 as front end with sql server 2008 as back end. You can use Admin as the user name and admin as password. Though there is a user account to log in which give less application right as that of the admin, check this out in the database table ITM_ACOCUNT. Remember to change the connection string to match yours. The application manages the items returned to an establishment for after sales service/repair. It is my wish that others too, learn from this, though not very perfect, but you can improve it. Thank you.

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Please Sir could you send me your email ? I need your help to get the values of the selected values of the Checklistbox in the IN statement of the SELECT clause
I meann SELECT ............FROM... WHERE column1 IN ('Chekedlistbox1.value',' Chekedlistbox2.value', 'Chekedlistbox3.value ',......................,'ChekedlistboxN.value')

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