Touch screen Restaurant POS with Integrated Waiter App Version (Premium Edition)
Submitted by Raj.Sharma on Saturday, June 11, 2016 - 11:32.
This Project is developed using VB.NET and SQL Server....
Changes Log :
1. Added Inventory and Accounting Module
2. Takeaway and home delivery module
3. Multiple kitchens/sections
4. Split bills
5. Merge bills
6. Item notes
7. Manual caller ID
8. Payment Mode
9. Cash Drawer Support
10. Billing in Multiple Currencies
11. Recipe Management
12. Multiple Warehouses
13. Work Period
14. PIN based login
15. Prepaid card and wallet module
Version 4.5
1. RPOS Card Module
2. Loyalty Card Module
Main Features are :
Touch screen restaurant automation system
Thermal ticket printer support
Fully responsive Design
Kiosk style usage
User friendly screens
Unlimited users
Unlimited tables
Unlimited table screens
Colored menu buttons with product thumbnails
Unlimited number of menus
Different menus for each departments
Unlimited number of price lists
Changing price lists at a certain time of day
Partial ticket settlement
Receiving payments by choosing items from ticket
Flexible ticket designs
Printing reports from ticket printer
For students or anyone else who needs program or source code for thesis writing or any Professional Software Development,Website Development,Mobile Apps Development at affordable cost
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Wish to learn more on
This is a very impressive program. Wish to download a copy for learning purpose.
Main forms not found
Front office and back office forms not found . Can you provide these forms to run the program.
How to get the Activation ID
I am still beginning the development Field and i really like your work and i learn to much from it
Can you help me how to get the activation in your systems
Missing Forms
Front Office or Back Office buttons event do nothing since these forms are missing. Can you provide these forms to run this project please.
Missing Forms
Front Office or Back Office buttons event do nothing since these forms are missing. Can you provide these forms to run this project please.
Front Office or Back Office buttons event do nothing since these forms are missing. Can you provide these forms to run this project please for Learning
you just make all source here
you just make all source here except 5 files and when we call you you say its for 300$ lol
No mdi found
Can't see any mdi form iln this system sir. just try and email me a full source code for educational purpose sir.
Full of errors !
First of all appreciate this job. But it doesn't make any sense that you put the code which dont even work.
reg dev express
Where can i get dev express and crystal reports, let me know which version should i download now. can i download crack version of dev express plz for just testing purpose
This is not full source code
Hi, i have checked complete project, but there is no complete source code available in this download, i think its no use if you download and run, because maximum code is not included in this package., so its waste of timing if you download software
Nice System
But I cant run this in my VS17 rc
seems an error in the database connection
i can't figureout why.
Billing Page
Billing page missing sir kindly send this page on :[email protected]
good job sir god bless you...
Billing Page mising
The billing page is not present. Please send this page to my email Id, my email Id is : [email protected]
Would be very kind to you.
Abuzar Ahmad
Billing/POS page is not
Billing/POS page is not present in source code. Please send this page to my email Id, my email Id is : [email protected]
Would be very kind to you.
Front and Back office form is Missing
Front office and back office forms not found . Can you provide these forms to run the program.
[email protected]
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