
Audio Sequence 0.1 Beta

Submitted by Mohamed Feddad on
jQuery based script that allows you to control, monitor and play multiple audio files in sequences at a time. Live Demo features: Repeat whole: allows you to repeat a list of audio files as whole for a given number of repeats Repeat each: allows you to repeat each file of list of audio files for a certain number of repeats Repeat forever: allows you to repeat a list of audio files as whole forever

4 Simple Steps to Emulating Real Sequences in MySQL

Submitted by intellicon on
If all you want to do is create a unique ID for a record, the auto_increment feature in MySQL will do the job nicely. Sometimes, however, you need more functionality. Unfortunately, unlike Oracle or PostgreSQL, MySQL doesn't have native support for the nextval() function, so creating real sequences is a little more challenging. First, we need to define what we want the nextval() function to achieve. We want to be able to begin the sequence with any number, and auto increment in multiples of any number, not just 1, including negative integers (-1 for example).